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  • Rishi Herbals

    Rishi Herbals

    sai , Rishi Herbals

    Hits 1241

    Rishi Herbals
  • Fitness centers in Chennai

    Fitness centers in Chennai

    best fitness centre in chennai, weight loss diet chart, diet chart to lose weight

    Hits 1158

    Boot camp is really an absolute best fitness centre in Chennai. It's at this time minute for producing your body upgrade beside makes sufficiently style. Begin sorts the most recent practice beside extraordinary fitness centers in Chennai regarding quick positive perspectives together shelling out is as often as possible exceptionally sensible.
  • Laksha Hospitals

    Laksha Hospitals

    Hits 1759

    consulation at laksha hospital A partnership started by Dr. DhariniKrishnan and Dr. Sheila Anand to provide solutions to Nutrition problems through: Programmes on preventive Nutrition Health Camps
  • Alpha Mind

    Alpha Mind

    Hits 30672

    The Greatest Power is the Power of our Subconscious Mind. Once we understand this and learn to use the power within us, we can create wonderful changes in our life. We can achieve many goals. How can we access this power of our Subconscious? Is there a Key? Yes. The Alpha Level of our mind is the key. This level can be reached through meditation. Scientists have done a lot of research about the functioning of our brain. The electrical impulses emitted continuously by the brain keep changing in frequency depending on the activity involved in. This is measured by an equipment called EEG in cycles per second.
  • Isha


    Hits 1847

    Isha Foundation, founded by Sadhguru, is a volunteer-run, international nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating human potential. The Foundation is a human service organization that recognizes the possibility of each person to empower another - restoring global community through inspiration and individual transformation.
  • The Art of Living

    The Art of Living

    Hits 1784

    They are countless. Whatever you may be looking for – weight loss, diabetes, better time management, freedom from anger, effective communication, or creativity at work, yoga has the answer. The practice of yoga has immense benefits for not just the body but also the mind so that you enjoy a perfect healthy state of being.
  • Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre

    Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre

    Hits 1468

    A systematic introduction to the theory and practice of Yoga for complete beginners emphasizing Proper exercise, Proper breathing, Proper diet, Proper relaxation concentration and Positive thinking.
  • Brahma Kumaris

    Brahma Kumaris

    Hits 1518

    Prajapita BrahmaKumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (also called Brahma Kumaris in short) is a unique Vishwa Vidyalaya (university) and a well known spiritual value based educational institutional institution which has gained global acceptance and unique international recognition.
  • Panther Tattoos

    Panther Tattoos

    We are one of the best Certified Tattooing Specialist in Chennai. We do both Permanent & Temperory Tattoos.

    Hits 1551

    In India it was believed that the Indian body was not strong, healthy and beautiful until it was tattooed because the unpainted body was defenseless against disease. Even Indian divinities carried tattoos, according to the Hindu mythology Vishnu drew a tattoo on the hand of his wife Lakshmi for protection. As tattooing has already left a mark in the Indian history and culture we at Panther Tattoos are using the modern American techniques and instruments for tattooing.
  • Yantra


    Hits 1371

    Seeing the creativity involved in designing a tattoo and the deft and steady hands required for an artist, I began to realise that this was a field I could excel at, though far removed from my profession.
  • Acme Fitness

    Acme Fitness

    Hits 1918

    At Acme Fitness we believe that working out should be fun. And should be a part of everybody’s day to day life. Because there is so much more to fitness than just rippling muscles and six pack abs. It makes the mind sharper. It makes the body respond to stress better. And it simply brings on a lighter mood.Reason why, we have the widest range of international brands in fitness that helps everybody have fun, while staying fit. At home. At work. At anywhere.
  • Madras Gymkhana club

    Madras Gymkhana club

    Hits 3644

    If you were to look up the word “Gymkhana”, in the Oxford Dictionary, the meaning you would elucidate is “A location which tests the skills of its competitors”. It is exactly, with this in mind that the British came up with the idea of this association, a small British colony where they could socialize and play sport, an association which would hence forever be referred to around India as the “Gymkhana”.
  • Spartan Fitness Centres

    Spartan Fitness Centres

    Hits 2426

    Spartan fitness center is an amazing health club across Chennai,India.Spartan is located in one of the posh and most happening residential areas in the city at Virugambakkam. This is the place which houses the most eminent personalities connected with the film industry. This being the only state-of-the-art gym in the locality with a host of user-friendly facilities, it has the potential to attract clients from all walks of life, even from the neighbouring localities.
  • Bubbles


    Hits 1537

    Positioned in the heart of bustling area Alwarpet, we offer world-class quality services at true value to money. Bubbles has revolutionized the concept of styling in Chennai beauty market. Our hair & skin care parlour believes in world class professionalism and always come up with innovative ideas. We maintain hygiene to the utmost level.When you step into our beauty care centre, you will experience amazing beauty and spa packages aesthetically designed for you. Our beauty care professionals ensure that you have an enchanting experience and leave the parlour with a smile.
  • Feathers Fitness

    Feathers Fitness

    For women

    Hits 2091

    Feathers fitness for Women is one of the unique style fitness centres solely meant for women. We know that women are as gentle as feathers and they need to be handled with extra care. For this very reason we introduced this fitness centre exclusively for women. Our friendly staff are trained to give this value added service to all our customers. Each and every customer is important to us and we give the same high quality treatment to all of them. Come in and experience the Feathers way.
  • Dr. Batra's

    Dr. Batra’s

    Most Proven Most Preferred

    Hits 1796

    At Dr. Batra's you can be assured of effective, gentle and safe solution provided by experts for your hair loss problems. After successfully treating more than 7,00,000 cases of hair loss over 35 years, we are in possession of expertise to detect your hair problems at an early stage as well as provide you with the best options of treatment.
  • Karma Fitness

    Karma Fitness

    Hits 1578

    Influenced by Cliff Hanger and Terminator, this once lanky lad dreamt of a body beautiful and started regular exercises. His early exercise regimes involved picking up heavy loads off a truck. After completing a course in fitness, he took gym instructions and quickly carved a path to glory in body building. He is the winner of titles such as Mr.Tamilnadu and Mr.South India. He has been a finalist in Mr. India competition.
  • Fitness Track

    Fitness Track

    Hits 1557

    I AM CERTIFIED FITNESS TRAINER WITH MORE THAN 9 YRS OF EXPERIENCE We are providing personal fitness training programme for individuals on door to door basis, Tone up your body through work out, to improve your Cardio endurance, Strengthening the muscles, Stebility and Flexibility, Strengthening the Low back, Destroy fat, reduce the Obisity, Maintaining good Physical Fitness, GOING TO GET MARRY AND WANT TO LOOSE WEIGHT IN JUST SHORT TIME. ALSO GET DIET AND CALORIE CHART AND GET SUPPLIMENTATION KNOWLEDGE ALSO. Get better health and stay fit
  • V care

    V care

    For Your Hair

    Hits 3072

    Vcare has also established a research and development centre at Chennai under the banner of Vcare Trichological Research Centre. This research centre is involved in developing novel diagnostic techniques and treatment methodologies related to hair care. This research centre has also developed more than 50 Trichology hair treatment products which include shampoos, oils, vitalizers, gels, serums, etc. Professionals from various disciplines like Trichology, Alternative Medicines, Chemical engineering, Microbiology, Nutrition & Dietetics, Massage Therapy, Management, IT and Finance are deploying their expertise to cater effectively to the client needs.
  • Sehat


    The Sclap & Hair Clinic

    Hits 1622

  • Autism Aromatherapy

    Autism Aromatherapy

    Care with Passion and Compassion

    Hits 1687

    Brain imbalances cause an untold amount of suffering in both the children who struggle with them, and in their families who struggle to meet the sometimes overwhelming needs of these children.Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills.Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person's mind, mood, cognitive function or health
  • Ray


    Hits 1368

    The atmosphere in our gym is extremely laid-back and friendly and our more experienced members often pass their knowledge to help the newcomer, but there is always a qualified instructor on hand to help and give advice when it is needed. Everyone has their reasons for joining RAY'S FIT STOP. It might be a special one-off event like getting in shape for a wedding, or a life-changing event like recovering from illness. It could be because you want to look the best you can, are training for a sport, or simply because you love using the Gyms and fitness studios in Chennai.
  • o2 Health Studio

    o2 Health Studio

    Hits 1988

    O2 Health Studio pioneering in Health & Fitness center in Chennai, started on August 2001. We are proud to have helped thousands of people in chennai discover health and fitness since then. We teach them how to enjoy their workouts, while getting fit with our diversified programs.You name it & we've got it! Our ace is of course personalised training & ambience; our state of art gymnasium and varied Group exercise classes conducted by certified & experienced instructors who will guide your every step. We have a classy gym equipped with international fitness equipments ranging from precor, paramount
  • Ayur Shine

    Ayur Shine

    Health and wellness Centre

    Hits 1743

    Ayurshine bring you the very best in ayurveda treatments including Panchakarma Treatments, Slimming Programs, Paralysis, Weight loss, Anti Ageing, Yoga & Meditation, Detoxification, Rejuvenation Therapies etc. The treatments meted out at our Ayurshine conform to the basics mentioned in ancient ayurveda texts.Our ayurveda doctors are experts in ayuvedic treatments and have several years of dedicated service to boast of. Our special ayurveda packages including our monsoon ayurveda packages are specially designed to provide the ayurveda treatments of the highest quality. The increasing numbers of patients who opt for our ayurveda treatments are a tribute to the high quality of service that Ayurshine Offers.
  • Lakme Beauty House

    Lakme Beauty House

    Hits 2170

    Lakmé 'Beautiful Brides' looks marry tradition with beauty and culture with fashion, ensuring each bride looks her best for her big day.The New Mystique look book has hair trends created by the country’s top stylists for every Indian woman.