Special schools for children in chennai
The Spastics Society of Tamilnadu (SPASTN)
SPASTN envisages an inclusive society which respects and values diversity, human rights and participation of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others in all aspects of community life. -
AIKYA's vision is to enhance the quality of life of individuals with special needs through education and training to enable them to achieve their fullest potential and integrate them into the mainstream. -
Saraswathi Kendras
Where Love and Skill work together,expect a miracle
Saraswathi Kendras policy is to help the educable, low I.Q. child develop his/her learning potential, educate himself/herself to the optimum degree and maximum extent possible and develop other latent skills that can be channeled towards giving the child income generation potential and economic security. School dropouts are also submitted.Saraswathi Kendra does not admit children with problems of mental retardation as neither the required staff services nor the infrastructure for such handling is available. -
Empowering Self Learning And Independence
To transform through education the lives of children and their families To enable students, where possible, to integrate into open employment and where not, to continue to support their ongoing needsExceptional human beings must be given exceptional educational treatment, treatment which takes into account their special difficulties. Further, we can show that despite abnormality, human beings can fulfill their social role within the community, especially if they find understanding, love and guidance.” -
initiating learning
Sudha Ganesh is a post-graduate in child development and family relations. She completed her masters from Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed (S.I.E.T) College in 1990. Sudha started her career with Alpha to Omega Learning Centre, a centre for children with learning difficulties, founded by Mrs. Lalitha Ramanujan who is a pioneer in the field. Her early years at Alpha to Omega gave her rich experience and exposure to working with children with various types of disabilities in learning. -
Deepam School For Special Children
DEEPAM, a school for special children